Peloton Bikes: The Ultimate Guide to using Peloton while Traveling | Blog
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Peloton Bikes: The Ultimate Guide to using Peloton while Traveling

A new trend comes seemingly out of nowhere and sweeps across the fitness world occasionally. But, especially since the pandemic, a lot has changed in the fitness industry.

At first glance, we can only be sure just how helpful something is once we hear what the market says. Sometimes, we see the birth of a great thing. Other times, we witness nothing more than a trend that quickly fades out of existence.

Today, we will go over a company that took the fitness and cycling world by storm and grew incredibly fast from year to year, Peloton. We will deep dive into the features, costs, and even the process of finding hotel gyms with Peloton bikes.

But first, let us investigate their main product: the stationary bike.

The stationary Bike

Let's face it: stationary bikes could be more exciting. Every gym has at least five of them, and no matter the make, they typically look, feel, and ride the same. Use one, and you may have used them all. Plus, they often do not give you the same feeling cycling does.

They are effective and useful, sure. But stationary bikes are far from awe-inspiring. A bike is not just a bike; there are different types, from upright to recumbent, to spin, and now, also Peloton.

Stationary Bikes incl. Peloton

Yet, interestingly enough, the company we will be looking at today has managed to transform this once-boring piece of fitness equipment into one that grabs attention and commands respect.

What is Peloton?

In 2012, a company was brought to life. Their idea was simple: create premium fitness products. One of these products was a stationary bike - the Peloton bike. In 2014, they realized their first bike sale, and the company has seen rapid growth ever since. 

These days, Peloton offers premium-priced stationary bikes. For example, the Bike+ basic package costs a little under EUR 2’690 (USD 2'500) or EUR 69 (USD 64) per month for 39 months.

But here is what sets Peloton apart from its competition. Aside from the bike, the company also offers a subscription-based membership with classes. With a subscription, folks receive:

  • Live weekly classes.
  • Different workouts that last from 5 to 90 minutes.
  • Instructors that tell you exactly what to do and how.
  • Exciting and interactive workout classes.

For many, Peloton is much more than just a bike with online classes. It's a community, perhaps even comparable to the CrossFit hype from a few years ago.

What benefits does Peloton offer, and is it worth it?

If you decide to lease the bike+ package and get a full-access membership for another EUR 39 (USD 39) per month/bike, you must spend EUR 108 (USD 103) every month.

Is the cost justified? As always, it depends. To answer this, you first need to ask yourself:

  • How much money do you spend on fitness (e.g., gym membership, commuting, etc.)?
  • How convenient is it for you to maintain your current fitness program?
  • And most importantly, what are your fitness goals?

Peloton might be a better alternative if you currently pay more than EUR 108 (USD 103) per month for your training. Of course, this also depends on your primary fitness goals and the type of equipment you typically use when you go to the gym.

Peloton Bike

For example, investing in a bike can be better if you usually go to a gym purely for cardio equipment. Plus, once it is paid off, the bike is yours indefinitely, and you only need to pay the monthly membership.

We also need to remember the time and money you invest in commuting. With a Peloton bike, you have everything you need at home, which can help make you a lot more consistent with your training and save you time.

Now, if you also enjoy strength training and use a wide range of gym equipment, there may be better choices than the Peloton bike (or the only choice). Sure, the bike+ package offers some extra gear, and there are various workouts you can do, but you may need more.

For example, more than Peloton might be needed if you enjoy classic gym exercises like the squat, bench press, and deadlift. That is where more traditional fitness apps become handy.

How to use a Peloton Bike at a Hotel Gym

Even Peloton bikes have become incredibly popular in recent years; they are still pricey for home use. This could discourage people from getting one, especially if they do not know if they will enjoy it. There is, however, a fantastic alternative: Using a Peloton at a hotel. And in just four steps, you are ready to go:

1. Register With Peloton

The first and easiest step is to head to the official website and register with Peloton. The process is quick, and you will use your login information on the bike later.

Typically, you will not have to pay anything to use a Peloton at a hotel. They should provide the membership; all you need to do is sign in with your username and password.

2. Bring essential Accessories for your Workout

Having some water to keep hydrated and a towel to wipe off sweat is good. Also, wiping the sweat off the equipment after using it is good gym etiquette.

Get yourself a pair of headphones, too. They will come in handy if you choose to listen to the class instructions. Aside from that, you can listen to your music to pump yourself up. 

Many people enjoy listening to podcasts and audiobooks while doing cardio. That is a great way to kill two birds with one stone - train your mind and body. The downside is you might not be able to get in "the zone" as easily.

3. Once on the Bike, sign in

Once you get to the bike, you will have to sign in. This is why it is best to have your account ready beforehand. That way, you get to save time when it matters and get to enjoy your workouts quicker.

Again, you should not have to pay for a membership to use a Peloton in a hotel.

4. Adjust the Bike and get started

Once you have signed in and you are ready to go, take a few seconds to adjust the bike to fit you better. Specifically, you should adjust the saddle height and handlebars to assume the correct riding posture before starting.

After that, choose a basic ride type and get started. If this is your first time riding a Peloton, it is best to pick an easier one to see how it feels. Groove is a fantastic option as it offers a unique experience and sometimes syncs movement patterns to music beats.

How to find Hotels with Peloton Bikes?

As someone who loves regular exercise on your Peloton bike, you probably struggle while traveling and must find alternatives to stay in shape, which can be increasingly difficult if you take extended business trips. A week of new or sub-optimal workouts is not a big deal, but what if you have to spend several weeks (or months) away from home?

In such cases, finding Peloton bikes on the road becomes a necessity. Fortunately, Peloton finds a way to 'tag along' on your trip and keep you active, even if you're thousands of miles from home.

The main option is to look for hotels. If you are a fan of Peloton, you are probably also interested in hotels providing a Peloton stationary bike.

There is probably no better feeling than having a Peloton Bike in the hotel or even in your hotel room as a member. But the good news is that hundreds of hotels in the United States and Canada have at least one Peloton Bike. Hilton has been one of the first global hotel chains to commit to putting Peloton bikes in every Hilton hotel in the US. But Marriott also followed quickly with its Westin brand.

You can use the Peloton Hotel Finder tool to find all the hotels with Peloton Bikes at your desired destination.

Peloton Hotel Finder

Or even better and easier, check out our search options at - we provide you this information along with all other details about the fitness equipment available in the hotel.

Airbnb can also work, with more and more now offering a Peloton bike. You can even rent a bike from Peloton and deliver it to your temporary location to stay on track with your training.

Your other option is to find a long-term rental option that includes a Peloton bike or get a place with enough room to accommodate a stationary bike. Once settled in, rent a Peloton bike for as long as you need.

No Peloton Bike at your Hotel? No Problem!

Okay, let's say your hotel does not have a Peloton bike, or perhaps you are renting a place temporarily but can not order a bike.

Regardless of the situation, you are stuck with a basic stationary bike. Does that mean all is lost? Fortunately, no, because Peloton also has an app that provides an immersive workout experience.

The Peloton app costs $12.99 monthly and includes a variety of cycling, yoga, running, rowing, and meditation classes. What is great about the app is that you can simply load your preferred class and perform it on a basic stationary bike, be it at home or a random hotel gym.

You can even dabble in other activities if you don't have access to a bike at some point or are simply looking for something new to try. Looking for a yoga class? Peloton has those. Want to get your heart rate up with some running? Yep, Peloton has your back.

Peloton Alternative

While fantastic, Peloton may not always be an option. Whether you struggle to find a Peloton device or are looking to change this up in your training, maybe you are looking around for an alternative.

If so, we highly recommend checking out Motosumo. Despite its underdog status, this is a fantastic alternative to Peloton for indoor cycling. It works with any stationary bike (right - any) and allows users to access various interactive cycling classes.

That means you can maintain your cardio momentum and enjoy interactive workouts, regardless of the equipment available.

Here are some reasons why Motosumo is a good alternative:

  • The app has a fantastic free version that includes exclusive features and on-demand cardio classes
  • It tracks your metrics in real-time, providing insight as to how you're doing and if you are pushing yourself hard enough
  • Motosumo offers a rich library of on-demand and live classes for trainees of all levels, depending on available time, preferred exercise style, and which instructor they want to learn from
  • There is a strong emphasis on the community aspect of the app, as users can connect with other cyclists worldwide to work out together, discuss fitness topics, and make friends
  • Motosumo's interface is fantastic, making the app intuitive and a breeze to learn; so, even if you are not that tech-savvy, it would not be that difficult to set the app up and start your first class

Are you intrigued by the potential of this innovative app? Dive into our in-depth Motosumo review to discover if it is the right fit for your travel fitness needs.

Final Thoughts on Peloton while Traveling

What sets Peloton apart is the sense of community they have created for their customers. Feeling like we belong to something greater than ourselves can be a huge motivator. It can also bring deep fulfillment and make us push ourselves much harder in our training.

But whether the bike suits you is more complicated, and you need to look at things from all angles. You might want to read the in-depth review from Ray, which gives an excellent perspective.

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