How to use Alpha Progression: A step-by-step Guide to effective Strength Training | Blog
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How to use Alpha Progression: A step-by-step Guide to effective Strength Training

Did you catch our Alpha Progression review? If not, we urge you to check it out because it covers all the essential information you need for the app.

If you have seen it, you know how much we enjoy the app and recommend it to gym-goers, especially to keep up their strength training when traveling.

Being familiar with the app and its features is beneficial, but you must also know how it works and how to use it. To that end, let's dive into today's guide about Alpha Progression.

What is Alpha Progression?

Here is a quick recap on the essential features of Alpha Progression: this flexible and versatile fitness app combines simple workout tracking with guidance.

At first, it may seem like another workout-tracking app. However, Alpha Progression, the top-rated lifting app from Germany, helps you make better training decisions and easily track your progress.

You can put together a training plan from scratch or use the most popular feature of Alpha Progression: the plan generator. After answering a few basic questions, the generator builds a workout routine optimized for you.

Alpha Progression checks all the boxes for those serious about getting stronger and optimizing their performance.

The initial Setup of Alpha Progression

Getting started with Alpha Progression is no different than using any other app; head over to Google Play or the Apple App Store and download Alpha Progression for your phone.

Setting up your Alpha Progression Account

Once you have installed Alpha Progression on your phone, you will start setting up a gym profile. The app asks you about essential information that helps it mold a better training plan. You will have to select your:

  • Gender
  • Lifting experience (in years)
  • Current weight (in lbs or kilos)

When you start with Alpha Progression, you will automatically get access to the Pro version as a 14-day trial. You can cancel your subscription via Update Subscription during the trial and will not be charged.

If you want to save some money and use a discount code, you need to manage your subscription via the website.

  1. Visit the Alpha Progression website.
  2. Click 'Try for free' in the menu or main page.
  3. Select your preferred subscription offer.
  4. And now, enter the discount code. For example, using "HOTELGYMS" gives you a lovely 20%.

Of course, you can also continue with your free plan and enjoy Alpha Progression with its generous free version.

Plan your Workouts with Alpha Progression

This section will guide you through creating your workout plans, ensuring you utilize all Alpha Progression's unique features.

Set up your Gym Profiles

Creating your gym profile is the first step to getting started with Alpha Progression and making the most of the app. A gym profile is where you define the available equipment to the app.

You must answer several questions, and the app will use that data to present you with more relevant training, actionable advice, and more.

First, in the first section, you select your equipment: gym bench, dumbbells, barbells, etc. The app has an extensive equipment list; you should only mark the available ones.

When scrolling down, you can also select what exercises are always available. Doing so is beneficial for informing the app of the movements you can always do, regardless of circumstance.

And, of course, you can also select what exercises should always be disabled. You should pick activities you hate doing, cause you pain, etc. For example, if pistol squats lead to knee pain, you can put them on the restricted list, and the app will not recommend the movement.

Similar to apps like Fitbod, you can have multiple gym profiles and switch between them when necessary. For example, you can set up a profile for when you are training at the local gym. You create a different profile for the scenario when you are on the road and switch to it when traveling or training in your home gym.

Creating your Workout Plan

Your account is created, and your gym profile is set up. Now, you can start developing your training plan. Alpha Progression recommends using its Plan Generator. Unfortunately, this Plan Generator is a Pro feature only.

But even when using the free version, you can easily create your training plan from scratch or start with a single workout.

When opening the app for the first time, 'Create plan' is the first button that stands out immediately. When clicking on this, you can choose between the 'Plan generator' or an 'empty plan.'

Whatever option you choose, putting together a training plan requires extra information from you:

  • How many days per week do you want to train;
  • How long do you want each workout to be;
  • What muscles do you want to focus on (or neglect)?

Once you have put the information in, the app creates your personal training plan.

What is great is that you can tweak your program later. For example, you can swap an exercise easily if you do not like the app's recommendation.

Pick the right Training Option

The next step to using Alpha Progression is to pick the right training option. As discussed above, you have three options:

  • Plan generator (pro feature)
  • Empty training plan
  • Single workout

The plan generator is an excellent feature that provides an entire workout plan based on your gym profile.

So, even if you dislike some of the recommendations, you can make minor tweaks. We recommend testing the app for two weeks (for free) to determine if you enjoy the straightforward style and go from there.

Alternatively, use the app's free version to create an empty training plan. That option works well for more experienced trainees.

Optimize your Workouts with Alpha Progression

Alpha Progression is designed to personalize and enhance your workout experience, ensuring that each session is practical and aligned with your fitness goals. Let's look at how to use Alpha Progression to optimize your workouts.

Take Advantage of the extensive Exercise Database

Despite its straightforward style, Alpha Progression comes with several notable features found in more complex apps.

A prime example is its extensive exercise database. When writing this guide, the app has over 620 exercises in its library, most of which have video instructions.

Click 'Exercises' on the main screen to access the app's exercise library. The library shows the exercises based on the active gym profile, which is why only a subset of exercises will be displayed.

You can use the built-in filters to filter the list of exercises further. You can filter based on equipment, muscles, type (cardio, stability, small to large exercises), or custom exercises.

Every exercise includes the information of similar other exercises. This subtle feature makes the app more pleasant by encouraging you to experiment and try new movements.

For example, if you do not enjoy a specific exercise, you can pick from the many options from the library, take some time to learn them and get started.

Create Custom Exercises

The 'Custom Exercises' functionality allows you to tailor your workout routines more precisely, accommodating unique exercises or variations that might not be available in the standard library.

To add a custom exercise, do the following:

  1. Open the 'exercises' database (or library)
  2. Tap 'Create'
  3. Then, fill in the name of the Exercise
  4. Provide the necessary information

If you want to create an exercise similar to an existing one, you can duplicate it. To do this, "hold" the exercise and tap 'Duplicate.'

Strive for Progress

The app is called Alpha Progression, so striving to improve your training performance gradually is essential.

A notable problem with most apps is that there is no emphasis on improvement. You have a generic training plan with some basic recommendations, but that is it. Alpha Progression doubles down on what matters: subjecting your muscles to greater loads and stress.

The app analyzes your performance and looks for trends to determine how you should approach each workout.

Of course, as with other fitness apps, you must start by finding the proper training weights and recording a few workouts. From there, the app will provide practical recommendations for progress: when to increase the weight and how many reps to do.

Alpha Progression not only supports progress; this is their priority and makes it stand out as the best weightlifting app.

Less popular Features of Alpha Progression

By now, you probably realize that Alpha Progression is far from a simple app that is only good for writing down your workouts. The app offers a unique take on weight training and improves the process in several unique ways. Two features you are not likely to find on other apps are:

  • Reps in reserve (RIR)
  • Deload weeks

Reps in reserve is a scale that monitors how much effort you put into your training. For example, a 1 RIR set means you have trained close to failure and could do one more rep before exhaustion. A 2 RIR set would mean you have left two reps in the tank. Alpha Progression allows you to track your reps in reserve to understand your training and effort better. For example:

  • Week 1 - Bench press: 100 kilograms for 6, 6, 6, and 5 reps (Average RIR: 1)
  • Week 6 - Bench press: 100 kilograms for 6, 6, 6, and 5 reps (Average RIR: 3)

You are technically not doing more work, but your RIR is up, which means you have to put less effort into your training, and you have likely made progress.

Second, we have deload weeks: scheduled periods of less intense training designed to promote active recovery and help with long-term progression. Unfortunately, even if you take days off from the gym, training stress accumulates and can increase the risk of overuse injuries and overtraining.

Spending up to a week doing light training is a great way to dissipate the built-up stress, recover well, bust through performance plateaus, and reduce the injury risk. Alpha Progression does a fantastic job of telling you when to have deload weeks and what kind of training to do during that time.

A practical way to have a deload week is to reduce your work (training sets) and lower the weights you lift. Have less challenging workouts, focus on proper form, feel your muscles engaging on each repetition, and resume regular training once you are done.

Use Alpha Progression when traveling

Alpha Progression is incredibly useful and works seamlessly in various situations. Thanks to the gym profiles feature, you can switch between pre-selected settings based on your circumstances.

As soon as you download the app and make a profile, the app asks you to create a gym profile. Doing so provides valuable information that makes the app more useful and personalized.

For example, you can set up one gym profile for working out at home and another for the gym down the street. Then, you can select all the equipment you have access to, fill in your preferences, and get started.

Another gym profile can be for when you are traveling. Again, you can select the equipment you have access to (if any) and pick what exercises you want to do or keep out of your training program.

Switching between individual profiles takes a single tap on the screen. You get access to helpful training advice and effective training programs on the road, in a hotel gym, and anywhere else.

Weight Training for Women (and how Alpha Progression can help)

Women used to be petrified of lifting weights for the longest time because of the myth that it would transform them into hulking beasts.

Of course, we now know much better, and more women are getting interested in weight training to improve their appearance and health.

Lifting weights is a fantastic way to add shape to your body, develop your physical capacity, and become more independent in your daily life.

In addition, weight training promotes fat loss and helps women maintain their lean tissue. As a result, women can more easily achieve the lean and athletic physique they desire.

Here are a selections of reasons why weight training is incredible for women, regardless of age:

It develops Muscle Tone

The most notable benefit of weight training is muscle growth. Lifting weights adds shape to your body and make you look fitter and more athletic.

It promotes healthy Weight Loss

Many women go down the traditional weight loss route: plenty of cardio in combination with a restrictive diet. The approach can lead to quick weight loss, but it is not ideal because it causes excessive muscle breakdown.

In contrast, combining a healthy diet with weight training leads to more fat loss, allowing women to retain their muscle. As a result, they can more easily achieve their goals and build lean and athletic bodies.

It makes you Stronger

The next huge benefit of weight training for women is that it leads to physical strength and independence. Just as lifting weight develops muscle, it builds strength, making activities like carrying groceries, walking up flights of stairs, and playing with your kids much easier.

Plus, thanks to great apps like Alpha Progression, it is easier to start than ever. You do not need a personal trainer or regular access to a gym for effective workouts. Instead, apps provide all the guidance you need to have fun, challenging, and practical sessions.

Final Words on Alpha Progression

Logging your workouts is incredibly valuable. Collecting training data is a great way to see if you are moving in the right direction or if you should make changes to see improvements.

The problem is that logging your training and making good training-related decisions is not always simple or obvious. As a result, you might train hard, stay consistent, and fail to see the desired results.

Alpha Progression is one of the best apps on the market precisely because it handles both issues gracefully. First, the app makes it effortless to log your workouts and look at past data. Second, the app does a fantastic job of providing training recommendations and customized plans, ensuring the best possible workout approach.


How much does Alpha Progression cost?

The monthly cost is $12.99, but you also have an annual option of only $79.99. Using the promotion code "HOTELGYMS" here secures you a 20% discount and reduces the cost to only $63.99 a year.

How can I pick the right training frequency?

One of the first questions Alpha Progression asks is how often you would like to train. You should pick a frequency you can sustain and fit into your lifestyle. Most beginners should start with two to three weekly workouts, and more advanced trainees can lift up to five days per week. However, only the most advanced people should consider 6-day splits.

What should I do once my deload ends?

As discussed in the article above, Alpha Progression comes with a feature most other apps do not have: deload weeks. Therefore, the recommended way to proceed after your deload is to get a new training plan via the plan generator. Doing so will allow you to proceed with your training and experiment with new exercises.

Can I use Alpha Progression without internet access?

The beauty of Alpha Progression is that you can access most of its features even if you find yourself without internet access.

Alpha Progression APK

While it may be tempting to save some money, it is not recommended to use a modified APK version of Alpha Progression or any app. Modified versions can compromise security, lack important features, and may violate terms of service. It's best to use the paid PRO version for the complete and legitimate experience, supporting the developers and enjoying all the benefits and features. Alternatively, the free version is already a good deal.

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