Inception of Pioneering Fitness on the Go | Blog
25Apr 2024
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Inception of Pioneering Fitness on the Go

Many people love to travel. It breaks up the monotony of ordinary life into an excellent adventure that can be remembered for a lifetime.

However, traveling does come with one major disadvantage. If you have a regular exercise routine, these breaks disrupt that cycle and make it tough to get back into it. That is where a new startup from Switzerland comes in - please meet

The Vision of

Ronny is the one who came up with the idea. He figured that those who are serious about their health deserve to continue it while enjoying the benefits of traveling.

Many booking platforms rightly focus only on one thing: booking hotels. That is their purpose, which is also what they do very well. But this leaves this white spot, for people who need to know specifics. So, Ronny thought that a website where one could locate a hotel and see what kinds of fitness options there were in terms of working out would be pretty helpful to these people.

The idea of was born. We want to make bad experiences with hotel gym facilities a thing of the past. Our unique platform provides information on the type of equipment available, the state of machines, and even provides alternative fitness options required to choose the right place to stay.

Different to, Expedia & co, we focus on the information hidden away on those standard booking platforms: the health and fitness environment in the hotels. Which has become our vision statement:

We help people stay fit and healthy while traveling.

Get the Team together

Of course, Ronny could not do this all alone, and he evangelized the idea to his friends, who then helped him launch the website.

Our co-founder Michel is our specialist for technology and product management. As a traveler by heart, he also works with our travel and fitness partners to evolve our main product, the "GymFactor."

Meanwhile, Chris is the customer success manager and makes sure we stay connected to our community, influencers and users. He would keep an eye that we are headed in the direction most people want.

Launch of the Website

At the beginning of 2020, after almost a year of planning and coding, we have been ready to launch the new release of our platform. Two weeks into the first lockdown in April 2020, we went online.

Of course, we could have had better luck with our timing with the onset of COVID-19 and the almost complete travel shutdown. But these are just another set of challenges that we have to work around to provide people with the best possible workout experience at hotel gyms worldwide.

We keep our product fresh and add changes and updates weekly. Our users are the best source of feedback, to help us decide which feature could come next.

Artificial Intelligence at the Core

The GymFactor is at the core of our platform. This algorithm benchmarks hotel gyms based on facts, not opinions. Without it, we would not have an official or reliable way to track which hotel gyms genuinely shine. This means that we have had to make it as brilliant as a system that we can. Website Launch

We have used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to analyze various hotel gyms' images to enhance the GymFactor further and provide. This makes it less time-consuming for us, and we can therefore get more gyms analyzed and on the site for your own analysis.

Using these compute vision capabilities allows us also to add an appropriate description of the image for better accessibility.

What is Next?

We continue our mission to become the information provider for people who want to stay fit while traveling. is always looking to improve and reach out to more fitness enthusiasts who also enjoy a good trip.

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