Big News ahead! Fitbod Rebuild is here for all Fitbod Members | Blog
25Apr 2024
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Big News ahead! Fitbod Rebuild is here for all Fitbod Members

If you have read some of our previous content, you know that we are big fans of our partner Fitness app Fitbod. The data-driven app works beautifully, offers an excellent user interface, and provides users with many options for effective workouts and tracking their fitness progress. We are excited to let you know that Fitbod is releasing a big update that will offer even more versatility to users worldwide. In their words, "Fitbod is about getting better, which means moving forward. We are bringing you an all-new Fitbod experience, redesigned and rebuilt to make you better."

So, let us dive in to see what the new Fitbod has to offer and why you should consider using the app. 

1. A new and beautiful Interface

The first thing users will notice when they log into the new Fitbod 3.0 is the new and improved interface, which will feature updated visuals, buttons, and more. While that might not seem important or necessary, the occasional design refresh benefits users and maintains the app's futuristic look. Plus, the folks at Fitbod have not made unnecessary changes like moving the different options. Instead, they have kept many essentials the same but have updated their UI for a pleasant and practical training experience.

And that is how the new app will come around starting December 27th, 2021.

2. All new Exercise Videos

One of the best features Fitbod offers is the sheer number of instructional videos you can watch for many exercises. Doing so is vital for learning proper form, spotting errors in your technique, and saving yourself injuries down the road.

The best part is, Fitbod 3.0 is coming out with all-new exercise videos shot from multiple angles for improved guidance. The team has recorded new videos in high-quality and supporting different angles. This really helps a lot to get a workout.

3. Greater Training Variety

Fitbod has always been a versatile app because of the many options it offers. But the newest update is taking this up a notch by providing even more to the user. The app's latest update will come with a vast library of fitness equipment, unique exercises you can use to put together your favorite workouts in seconds. The team also added 120 requested exercises from the community.

Plus, Fitbod is quickly becoming the most helpful fitness app with built-in guidance, 120 new exercises, and given the new and improved instructional videos.

4. More for the endurance Athlete

Endurance athletes will be happy to hear that Fitbod 3.0 offers some huge additions. Fitbod also focused primarily on strength training by providing exercises, training styles, and instructions like many other fitness apps.

Now, the app will also come with cardio exercise logging to offer a complete training experience. The reason for the addition, as said by the folks behind Fitbod, is, "Considering that over half of all gym-goers utilize cardiovascular equipment such as treadmills, rowers and ellipticals - with many more enjoy exercising outdoors - supporting cardio is critical in supporting our customers complete active lifestyle."

The cardio interface will feature many of the same options we have enjoyed so far, provide exercise suggestions, and note what muscles are being trained. As a result, the app will be able to track your recovery, even if you do mixed training. You will also be able to include cardio activities (such as running) as part of your regular training and track everything inside a single window.

5. What about Fitbod on Android?

The app was initially launched for iOS in 2015 and had the first version for Android ready in early 2020. However, it is no secret that the iOS version is still ahead of the Android version. While this lead to some frustration in the community, Fitbod committed to getting better in the future. Are you an Android User? Then you want to read their public statement on Android Parity Update. More details regarding the feature release plan are available in the Fitbod Support Area; think of their form of a roadmap.

plan. travel. workout.

Are you ready to be part of the experience and become a member? The monthly plan costs $12.99, but you can pay $79.99 for an entire year - to lower the price to $6.66 a month. Click here to redeem your 25% discount code ("HOTELGYMS25") for Fitbod.

With this elite membership, you have the option of logging as many workouts as you can, using the exercise library, and watching demonstration videos. Want to know more? Check out our Fitbod App review.

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